Bexley Women's Aid 0208 301 1536

Domestic Abuse

Although domestic abuse is chronically under-reported, research estimates that it:

  • Will affect 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men in their lifetime.
  • Is the largest cause of death worldwide in women aged 19-44, greater than war, cancer or car accidents.
  • Accounts for 16% of all violent crime.
  • Has more repeat victims than any other crime (on average will have been 35 assaults before a victim calls the police).
  • Costs in excess of £23 bn a year.
  • Claims the lives of two women each week and 30 men per year.

Domestic abuse takes many forms. It can be physical, mental, financial or sexual. It does not discriminate, it occurs in all walks of life regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, social status or geography.

Those affected often feel alone and isolated and live in fear for their safety and often their lives, Abusers choose to behave violently to get what they want and gain control. Their behaviour often originates from a sense of entitlement which is often supported by sexist, racist, homophobic and other discriminatory attitudes.

Domestic abuse is tragic not only to the one being abused but to the children who witness it. Many suffer lifelong psychological effects.

If you are suffering or know someone who is suffering from domestic abuse, call our helpline on 0208 301 1536 for support and information on how to get your life back.