Bexley Women's Aid 0208 301 1536

Community Outreach

Bexley Women’s Aid provides a variety of services in the community to support women and children affected by domestic abuse.

Women’s Outreach
Support groups and one to one advice available for women in the community to help them deal with the effects of domestic abuse.

Freedom Programme

The Freedom Programme runs for 12 consecutive weeks (term time only). This free programme is for any woman who wishes to learn more about the reality of domestic violence and abuse.

The programme aims to:

  • help women understand the beliefs held by abusive men and in so doing, recognise which of these beliefs they have shared
  • illustrate the effects of domestic violence on children
  • assist women in recognising potential future abusers
  • help women gain self-esteem and the confidence to improve the quality of their lives
  • introduce women to community resources